What caught my eye this week.
Remember Child Trust Funds, the more generous precursor of the Junior ISA [1]?
I wouldn’t blame you for forgetting. Those halcyon days of 2005 when Gordon Brown felt able to hand the parents of three-year old children £500 towards their future almost feels like science-fiction now, post the financial crisis, post-austerity, post-Brexit, and mid-pandemic.
Nevertheless hand parents £500 to tax efficiently invest for their kids [2] Brown did. And with the first Child Trust Fund (CTF) recipients turning 18 this year, next month will see small fortunes unlocked across the land.
Indeed the investment platform EQi [3] says that while its average client’s CTF balance is £6,500, a few lucky mini-moguls are sitting on CTFs worth £200,000!
Parents could have topped up that initial £500 from the government with a massive £55,000 over the years, and presumably some did to generate these six-figure fortunes.
Either that or we have some new mini-Buffetts coming up…
The kids are alright
The average account is of course much smaller – there are an estimated 6.3 million CTFs in existence, holding perhaps £6bn in total. Of these EQi reckons 420,000 are about to mature, which sees the kids gain control of the purse strings.
No doubt second hand car salesmen, guitar vendors, nail salon owners, and lululemon [4] store managers are all licking their lips at an imminent windfall.
But it’s worth stressing to any suddenly-minted teens within earshot that you don’t need to spend the money just because you’re 18.
A CTF automatically becomes a standard tax-free ISA at 18. And unless they’re spending the money on a house deposit or perhaps [5] on education, that’s what most should do. Young people are already plenty rich [6] without throwing money at them.
Maybe sit them in front of a compound interest calculator [7]? Even EQi’s middling £6,500 balance could be worth over a quarter of a million pounds by the time a child reaches 65 – if left to compound tax-free with an assumed growth rate of 8%.
A kid with £25,000 or so in their CTF could in theory have a shot at becoming a (nominal) millionaire pensioner without saving another penny!
Of course, kids are kids. Heck, many adults are kids. Most of the money – an estimated £2.4bn this year alone, according to EQi – will probably be spent without too much soul searching.
But if you are blessed with a child who will read the Financial Times with you1 [8], then do peruse its take [9] on how to deal with this good problem to have. At the least, as the article warns, don’t even think about protecting little Jonny or Jemima from themselves:
For any parents thinking of not telling their children about their investment pot, Tim Stovold, head of tax at Moore Kingston Smith, notes:
“Parents planning not to pass on the good news until their teenagers hit the sensible years should be aware that HMRC has provided a tool to allow children to check whether a nest egg awaits them — even if their parents don’t tell them.”
Have a great (wet and chilly) bank holiday weekend.
Are your kids (or you) in the money on the back of a maturing CTF? Share your plans for the loot in the comments below.
From Monevator
[*wind rustles through the trees*]
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Comment and opinion
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Coronavirus corner

Sweden claims herd immunity is working and country won’t suffer second wave – Metro [42]
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And finally…
“FI gives you the power to decide. It allows you to use your money as a tool to live a rich life, freeing yourself from the need to go to a job.”
– Chris Mamula, ChooseFI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence [59]
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