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Weekend reading: A little book on retiring, and a short video on a lot of money

My weekly ramble, followed by some great links.

First up, the peerless Mike Piper of Oblivious Investor has a new book out! In Can I Retire? [1], Mike attempts to answer one of the big questions in one of the smallest books you can buy.

Actually, he breaks it down into two smaller questions:

  1. How much money will you need to retire?
  2. How should you manage your retirement portfolio to minimize the risk of outliving your money?

And in his usual inimitable style, Mike candidly pitches:

How does this book hope to be better than, for example, The Bogleheads’ Guide to Retirement Planning or Jim Otar’s Unveiling the Retirement Myth?

It doesn’t. It’s not better. It’s shorter.

Can I Retire? is written for the person who might not be able to find the time to read Otar’s entire 525-page book or the 370-page Bogleheads’ Guide.

If you’re one of my U.S. readers, you’ll be thrilled to hear that buying the book [1] will cost you a mere $5!

Actually, it’ll only cost you $5 if you’re a UK reader, too, but the sections on Roth accounts and minimizing taxes won’t be much use when it comes to planning geriatric bliss on the Costa Blanca.

Not for the first time I’m wondering whether I should work with Mike to adapt the US-centric sections of his book for the UK, which is starved of easy-to-read money guides.

Now for something completely different

I suspect you’re one of the two million who’ve already seen this (and I don’t at all agree with our furry friend’s assessment) but this QE2 video is funny:

Quantitative easing [2] has seldom been such a hoot (unless perhaps you’re the chap getting to spend the printed money…)

Try this interactive explanation of QE [3] from the FT, if you want to know more.

The pick of the week’s blogs

Special on ‘Lord Young Gaffe-gate’:

Other money posts from the big sites

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