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Weekend reading: Stuff to read while we’re elsewhere

What caught my eye this week.

Apologies to the many thousands dozens of readers who checked in during the week and found no new Monevator posts – for the second time in a month!

Pretty shocking, considering it’s probably only the third or fourth time this has happened in the past five years.

Away from the site I’ve got quite a lot going on at the moment – and their different ways all the other core Monevator contributors have had busy summers, too.

Hopefully we’ll get back into the swing of things in a few weeks. Until then, you’ll find another monster list of links below.

(One thing I never stop doing is reading!)

From Monevator

From the archive-ator #1: Reasons to buy a house instead of renting – Monevator [1]

From the archive-ator #2: Reasons to rent a house instead of buying – Monevator [2]


Note: Some links are Google search results – in PC/desktop view these enable you to click through to read the piece without being a paid subscriber.1 [3]

Pound jumps as BOE hints at interest rate rise – BBC [4]

Implications of a rate rise for savers and borrowers – Guardian [5]

‘Huge variations’ in company pension default funds [Search result]FT [6]

The Big Read: Digital Coin Mania [Podcast]FT [7]

How house price affordability has changed across the UK since 2007 – ThisIsMoney [8]

400,000 in the UK had data ‘potentially’ stolen in last week’s Equifax hack – Telegraph [9]

Bitcoin crashes again after China moves to halt exchange – Bloomberg [10]

BAML global asset managers allocations.

Global asset managers really hate the UK at the moment [My ears prick up!]Fat Pitch [11]

Products and services

Charter Bank’s Best Buy 18-month savings bond pays 1.88% – ThisIsMoney [12]

Monzo? It might just be the future of banking – Guardian [13]

Is your bank’s ‘exclusive’ credit card actually any good? – ThisIsMoney [14]

Atom Bank has already cut its Best Buy savings rates. Where now? – Telegraph [15]

What’s the cheapest way to buy an iPhone 8? – Guardian [16]

First Direct slashes mortgage fees but hikes rates – ThisIsMoney [17]

Bitcoin investment trust premium is TWICE net asset value – Telegraph [18]

Comment and opinion

My stock picking friend is beating me – The Big Picture [19]

The fishy pension graph – The Value Perspective [20]

How Warren Buffett broke American capitalism [Search result]FT [21]

There is no perfect retirement spending strategy – Oblivious Investor [22]

A dozen lessons about investing and money from Dan Ariely – 25iq [23]

The unreliability of long-run stock market returns – Evergreen Small Business [24]

Going, going… – Sex Health Money Death [25]

Know thy investing self (and sell all your gold if you must) – Of Dollars and Data [26]

Even long dead Ben Graham engaged in indexing arguments – Alpha Architect [27]

Bag a premium income from the insurance majors [PDF]John Kingham [28]

How an Austrian economist explains the tulip bubble [Podcast]Bloomberg [29]

Familiar hard versus unfamiliar hard – Bason Asset Management [30]

Off our beat

Lower-status men don’t ask for raises, either – Mel Magazine [31]

10 depressing thoughts (and links) on data breaches – Abnormal Returns [32]

How to poop on a first date – Mel Magazine [33]

And finally…

“The best advice I can give you is to ask yourself what do you want, and then ask “what is true” – and then ask “what should be done about it?” I believe if you do this you will move much faster towards what you want out of life than if you don’t.”
– Ray Dalio, Principles [34] [Out on 17th September]

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  1. Note some articles can only be accessed through the search results if you’re using PC/desktop view (from mobile/tablet view they bring up the firewall/subscription page). To circumvent, switch your mobile browser to use the desktop view. On Chrome for Android: press the menu button followed by “Request Desktop Site”. [ [39]]