Good reads from around the Web.
I wrote a big introductory musing article about the state of the world as usual this morning, but it’s so long that I’ve decided to save it for a future post in its own right.
It was riffing on this post [1] by David Schwartz in the Financial Times about high yield shares (that’s a search result – click the article near the top).
So you can go read that to get prepped up. 🙂
Look on the bright side – less homework for you before you get to dive into this week’s links!
From the blogs
Making good use of the things that we find…
Passive investing
- When fund selection is done right – Rick Ferri [2]
- Are investors really this clueless? – Canadian Couch Potato [3]
Active investing
- Hindsight bias – Expecting Value [4]
- Confirmation bias and perma-whatevers – Abnormal Returns [5]
- Value traps that aren’t – The Value Perspective [6]
- Tesla and growth investing – Ivanhoff Capital [7]
- Intertek: Great growth, but expensive – iii blog [8]
Other articles
- How to prosper in an economic boom – Mr Money Mustache [9]
- You ever go totally crazy? – James Altucher Confidential [10]
- Financial repression and UK wages – Retirement Investing Today [11]
Product of the week: Credit Unions have often been touted as a post-crisis alternative to greedy Big Banking, but The Guardian reports [12] one a month has been going bust. They’ve been smaller operations so far, and savers were compensated up to the £85,000 FSCS limit.
Mainstream media money
Note: Some links are to Google search results – these enable you to click through to read the piece without you being a paid subscriber of the site.
Passive investing
- Interview with passive investing legend Charles Ellis – CNN Money [13]
- US investors increasing their reliance on ETFs – FT [14]
Active investing
- Great write-up of the Berkshire annual meeting – Jeffrey Matthews [15]
- Has Australia’s luck run out? [Search result] – Merryn/FT [16]
- Lesson from Buffett: Doubt yourself – Wall Street Journal [17]
- The oil and gold booms are over – Bloomberg [18]
- Alternatives to ‘terrible’ bonds [Search result] – FT [19]
Other stuff worth reading
- Co-op Bank downgrade: Is your money safe? – Guardian [20]
- Time to buy a Euro property bargain? – Telegraph [21]
- Where is property cheap but family friendly? [Interactive] – Telegraph [22]
- Peston: Who should get our RBS and Lloyds shares? – BBC [23]
- Wall Street is back – The Economist [24]
- Why you’re right to fear the news – MarketWatch [25]
- Soros debating Europe [Long!] – Project Syndicate [26] (or Reuters’ recap [27])
- The biggest retirement myth ever told? [US, would love to see UK data] – Motley Fool [28]
Book of the week: Early reports are that Baz Luhrmann’s movie version of The Great Gatsby [29] isn’t so great. Read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s amazing account of the dark side of wealth and power on Kindle [29]
instead – it’s just 49p!
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