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How to screen for promising dividend shares

Once you have established a solid foundation of dividend knowledge [1] and understood the differences between the various types of dividend shares [2], you are ready to start prospecting for potential income investments [3].

Today I’ll discuss how you can get started in the dividend [4] research process.

Panning for golden ideas

Poring over each of the 600-plus companies listed in the FTSE All-Share index to identify a few promising ideas is an arduous and time-consuming task.

Fortunately it’s a task that’s been rendered unnecessary by one of the most glorious by-products of the Internet: the share screener tool.

The primary purpose of a share screener is to reduce the vast number of potential portfolio candidates to a handful of names that you can research further.

You simply enter a few key parameters and the screener displays the select companies that fit your chosen attributes.

One important point to make right away is that screener results should not be considered automatic buy lists. Further research is always necessary, as screener results don’t always tell the whole story. (In the next two articles, we’ll discuss this process for researching individual shares.)

A number of helpful screening tools are available to UK investors online, including:

Free screeners:

Premium screeners (i.e. not-free)

If you’re just starting out, the free screeners will do the trick. More experienced investors may want to try the premium screeners, but for our purposes here we’ll just use the free screening tool from The Telegraph.

How to screen for high yield shares

In the previous article in this series, we defined ‘high-yield’ shares as shares with dividend yields [11] between 1.2x and 2x the market average.

With the FTSE All-Share average yield currently near 3.6%, we can begin screening for high yield shares by entering 4.2% to 7.2% into the ‘dividend yield’ parameter about two-thirds down the screener page.

If you try this dividend yield range in a share screener tool, however, you’ll find that you get a list of several dozen companies in the results. For a more manageable hit list of potential high yield investments, we’ll need to enter a few more parameters into the screener to further narrow our search.

With high-yield shares, dividend sustainability is more important than growth potential — a high yield does us little good if the payout gets cut in the subsequent year — so the extra parameters will be designed to help us identify companies with the ability to maintain their current dividend and ideally grow it each year.

To identify high-yield shares that are likely to maintain their payouts in the coming years, we can enter the following five parameters:

By adding these five parameters, we get a much more manageable list of shares to research:


High yield screen as of October 17, 2012 (Click to enlarge)

Though we still have some work to do — particularly on valuation — the screen has helped us identify some promising high-yield research candidates. My next article in this series will discuss how to further research high-yield shares once you’ve found them via a screen.

Screening for dividend growth shares

To screen for ‘dividend growth’ shares that may have lower starting yields but have more potential to grow future payouts at high rates, we simply need to make a few adjustments to our screening parameters.

Since we’ve previously defined dividend growth as shares between 2% and 1.2 times the market average, we’ll change the dividend yield range to 2% to 4.3%.

We’ll again stick with just FTSE All-Share stocks in this screen to make sure they are ISA-eligible [17].

Here are a few more settings:


As of 17 October. (Click to enlarge)

As you can see, we have plenty of good ideas to research and from a variety of sectors, too, including financials, commodities, consumer goods, and technology.

We’ll take a closer look at this list of dividend growth ideas after we discuss high yield shares in the next article.

Still more to do

Share screening tools have greatly simplified what was once a time-consuming task of idea-generation. Nevertheless, a successful screen is just one part of a complete research process.

Over the course of the next two articles, we’ll discuss how to use screener results to select the best of the best ideas.

In the meantime, why not try your hand at a few screens and see how they can work for you? And if you have any of your own screening tips, please share them in the comments box below!

You can bookmark all The Analyst’s articles on dividend investing [1]. The archive will be updated as new dividend articles are posted.